Tuesday, October 1, 2013

So How Does It Work?

VoulezVousDîner is a new website in South Africa  that offers its users a unique experience, merging the art of cooking with the fun of socialising. A peer-to-peer reservation service, VoulezVousDîner allows users to connect and share meals in each other’s homes, all the while giving guests and hosts the opportunity to meet new people. Whether hosting a dinner to earn some extra cash, or attending one to experience some local cuisine, VoulezVousDîner makes it possible.
The process is simple. Users set up profiles on VoulezVousDiner.com. The host posts their dinner, including the menu, photos, date of the dinner and location. Hosts can even add a dash of personality to their menus by choosing a certain theme. Guests can easily search for dinners by city, with the option to filter by dinner theme. To book, the guest pays securely through the VoulezVousDîner booking system. 

The website acts as the perfect platform for hosts to showcase their cooking skills, broaden their social networks, as well as boosting their incomes. Guests get to enjoy authentic local cuisine in a more intimate setting and, at the same time, potentially enjoy a more competitive price than in a restaurant setting.
VoulezVousDîner was launched in France in 2010 by Renaud Maigne, who on his numerous travels was inspired to find a way to connect locals and visitors through gastronomy. The website is a prime example of Collaborative Consumption – an increasingly prevalent social trend that has been thriving online. Dinners are now available throughout the world, from Paris to Cape Town, from London to Lyon and all points in-between.
Visit VoulezVousDiner.com to experience it for yourself!